Sunday, October 26, 2008 C# web developer contractor - freelancer

I guess here in UK freelancers are named CONTRACTORS

I am a new c# contractor in UK :)
I'm looking for contracts. I want to work on interesting web projects.

So I will do some promotion on different keywords from now on.

And the first important keyword is: CONTRACTOR or contractor uk
Second important keyword is: FREELANCE or C# freelance
Any other suggestions for keywords similar to IT contractor?

Are you a contractor in uk? Please tell me some interesting websites/communities for IT contractors.

I'm in UK

I arrived in UK one month ago.
It's fine here, interesting.

I have met new people, nice people.
I'm doing Msc Software Development at Coventry University.

I was impressed by different culture people that attend this master course: indians, chinese, arabs, romanian etc. and only a few british(maybe 5%).